Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pointer vs. Painter

It was brought to my attention that I did not discuss an another interesting part of the recent wellness retreat for pastors and wives. It's about how we communicate; as a painter or as a pointer.  It relates to more than just how people communicate in a marriage, even though that was more of the focus since we were all married folks.

Disclaimer:  It depends on where you are and the situation.

From a trail in TN, nice picture to paint sometime...
So a painter, is a person who likes to give all the details of a picture, and often times doesn't have a point or know what the point is when they start talking.  A pointer is a person, does just that, they get to the point. The point is often the first thing out of their mouth.

If you haven't guessed, I am more often a painter. It might be why I can blog about randomness and feel better for it. Yes, I try to have a point for the blog at hand, but it usually takes be a bit to get there. I have been known to be a pointer, mainly in school or some work situations where I have a task and I want it to be done well and quickly. I know, a tad demanding, but life can be that way.

A classroom worm being a "pointer".  (TN)
My husband  tends to be a more of a pointer. Sure, he can paint a wonderful picture with his words, but he picks his words a lot more carefully and has a point with a plan on how to get there.  Keeps life interesting around here.

Neither style of communicating is "better" than the other. Just different.

What's new? I am different than my husband. I think that is a very good thing. I am sure that I drive him nuts at time with my random chatter or thoughts, but they make sense to me. Early on in the marriage I remember getting responses from him like "Now what are you talking about? You lost me." 

Either style can unintentionally hurt the others feelings. I know we down play feelings, but they are part of what we carry around with us each day. I am hoping that by knowing that a pointer thinks the point is the first thing out of my mouth, like it is with them, I will try to make my words encouraging.
Nice to take time to observe all sort of things in life. (TN)

Hey! So I am wondering if anyone who read the last blog that I posted, if you look at yourself in the mirror and said "I am a baptized child of God. Who am I going to blessed today?"  Honestly, I haven't.  Well, I have said "I am a baptized child of God." But I have not asked or even thought about the "who am I going to bless today'" part.

Fail. Well, there is tomorrow.

And there is grace for us today. That is something to be thankful for!

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