Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Perspective, alway developing it.

Perspective. We each have our own, right? We each can look a picture of a landscape and see it differently. Can you picture in your mind what a desert in Nevada might look like. Late afternoon sun, no trees, just sand, cacti, mountains in the distance and maybe a vulture circling in the sky. One person may look at it from their perspective and say "This place is depressing. No water for my thirst. No shade to relax in. No place to go shopping and buy a new phone, mine is like 3  years old!" And another might have a different perspective of, "Finally, I am far enough away that no one can bug me on my cellphone. I can warm up in the sun. Hey, those mountains look awesome."

It's all in the eye of the beholder... just like beauty is said to be as well.

Our little family moved recently, as you know. We did, in fact, move to an apartment that is smaller than our last one. By only 300 sq. ft.  I am honestly fine with the smaller apartment. I feel as though we needed to look at all our stuff, really look at it, to see what we actually use. And donate or toss the rest.  It is a long process. At least I have time to do that these days.

When I was first tell people that the new place is smaller than that of our last, I felt like they were waiting for me to be upset about the size difference. I have a feeling that might be because so many of us grew up not only having plenty of what we need but also living in a country with the current culture pushing the importance of more of the new shiny things, bigger places to live, pricier clothes and accessories. By the standards in the States, I have never been rich, so maybe I don't know what I am missing. But my perspective is different.

A family of four sleep here. The father in one bed, the mother and children in the other.
I have been blessed with a perspective that keeps developing a greater understanding of the world as a whole. I got a chance to see how some folks in Nicaragua live. Some do live in nice homes, not too much different that we might find here in the states. But there are many who live in what best can be described a tin shack about the size of a storage shed I one had in my back yard in NY. And not just one person living there but a whole family of four. No air conditioning or windows in a part of the world where it is often in the 90's (Fahrenheit) with humidity and dew point near that as well.

That is not anywhere close to my current living conditions. I am honestly just thankful we found affordable housing in an area where my child can go to a great school. That is just my perspective on the situation.

 It would be very wrong of me not to admit that I have struggled with my perspective on different issues during different times of my life. I have, sometime greatly struggled with my perspective. Most days I am generally an enthusiastic optimist.  It can be quite I annoying I bet. Like for a real life example a friend of mine was sharing with me how it seems like one crummy thing is happening after another and she is concerned about what might be coming next. It is like she is living in a storm (now this is seriously my own take on what is going on in her life) on the ocean in a boat that keeps getting pommeled by waves. She is just trying to prepare herself for the next wave to hit. I am am praying for her and the waves in her life. But this is how my optimism can be a bit annoying: Friend: I just keep wondering what will happen next. Me: Maybe a pay raise or free ice cream on Fridays? Friend: You are probably  a bit to optimistic.

 She is probably right. I am a bit too optimistic. There have been days in my past thought that I think that I wasn't and missed out on the good that was right in front of me. I have always had a family that loves me (even when my optimism is over the top!), I have been graced with good health, safe and clean places to
live, chance to grow and learn (in formal and informal settings). I have cleaning drinking water, clean clothes, I get to take a shower whenever I feel I need one, even with nice smelling soap! I have been blessed a loving husband and a healthy child.  Even with all that I have times or days that I do feel like waves are hitting me over and over, causing me to wonder what is next and how am I going to handle it. And I get stuck looking of a wave that is bound to crash over me instead of noticing I don't have to be in the storm alone. It don't like feeling stuck like that. When I realize that it is me that is the grouchy funk, I do what I can to get out of it. Often I ask dear friends of mine to pray from me and to chat with me.  It is easier to get out of a funk when there are others willing to help lift you up and help you find something that is good going on in your life. Usually that is something to be thankful.

It can be a challenge to have a positive perspective but I want that for my reality. Hope it doesn't drive everyone else crazy!


  1. Thanks for posting this! I've been struggling with a positive outlook recently. There is lots of uncertainty and many hurtful words that have been said lately in our congregation, and it's so easy to let the negativity weigh down on me. I know I'm not alone in this, and always appreciate those who have a naturally positive outlook on life to remind me of all the blessings in my life. :)

    1. I am sorry to hear about the struggles. I disagree with the old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Words can have a nasty sting that others don't always realize because they cannot see the injury. I will be praying that you will find healing in the arms of our loving God during this time. And maybe get to have some time with some friends that are encouraging to you! :)
